12/07/11 Episode – Cabaret Music in pre-war Germany

This week we attempt an exploration of pre-war cabaret music in Germany – I say “attempt” because the topic is vast and I can only scrap the surface (and anything more would require serious preparation or having an expert in the studio). Anyway, this is a topic that speaks to me for various reasons. Cabaret was a flourishing institution in the Weimar Republik and got shut down as soon as the Nazis came to power. A lot of artists – those who had experienced the exhilarating freedom of expression in Berlin and Munich during the late 20’s – fled Germany in 1933 or 1934, including many Jewish artists. This episode will try to present some of those artists and songs that are associated with that era – including the Comedian Harmonists, Marlene Dietrich and songs by Kurt Weill.

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